Loan and guarantee scheme for the reconstruction of Ukraine

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Business initiatives within the Ukraine Facility

The war in Ukraine has led to a widespread need for reconstruction. Consequently, Ukraine has requested solutions from Danish companies for use in reconstruction, as well as a broader rebuilding of commercial ties between Danish and Ukrainian businesses to strengthen Ukraine's economy and business sector. In response, as part of the Danish Ukraine Fund, EIFO's Ukraine Facility was established in March 2023, which is a loan and guarantee scheme with a capacity of DKK 2,8 billion. The facility enables the provision of long-term loans and guarantees for Danish export to and investments in Ukraine.

General Questions and Answers

Here, we have compiled a series of frequently asked questions and answers about the Ukraine Facility.

Who can apply?

Danish exporters can apply for loans and guarantees from the Ukraine Facility.

What financial solutions do you offer?

EIFO's Ukraine Facility offers the following financial solutions:

  • Financing for Ukrainian buyers through direct EIFO loans or 100% risk coverage of loans and credit provided by financial institutions and Danish exporters. Additionally, EIFO offers grants covering up to 40% of the financing needs for public buyers.
  • Risk coverage of Danish exporters' investments or contractual risks in Ukraine.
How are projects selected for financing?

To qualify for financing from the Ukraine Facility, the involved parties and the project must adhere to the following criteria:

  • The buyer must be a Ukrainian public or private entity.   
  • The financing for Ukrainian public entities covers projects within critical infrastructure. The financing for Ukrainian private entities covers projects that contribute to development of the private sector and the economy of Ukraine.  
  • Danish economic interest constitutes a minimum of 30 % of the financing amount.  
  • The buyer’s equity must be at least three times the loan amount. 
  • The buyer must be able to provide audited financial reports for the last five years.  
  • The borrower or guarantor and the project must comply with EIFO's other policies regarding corporate responsibility, tax policy, etc., taking into account the operational context in Ukraine.

Among the applicants and business opportunities that meet the above criteria, projects are selected based on a range of screening criteria, including the project’s maturity, the project’s Danish economic interest, the buyer’s experience with trade and finance with OECD countries, credit risk and risk of war damage.

What currency do you offer?

Loans and guarantees are issued in EUR or DKK (USD may be offered in special cases where other sanctions rules apply).

When can I submit an application for financing?

EIFO continuously evaluates incoming inquiries to determine if they fall within the scheme's framework and whether there are financial resources available to initiate potential financing discussions.

What projects has the scheme already financed?

Due to confidentiality, EIFO cannot disclose details about financed projects. We strive to be transparent and accommodating in our communication and encourage interested parties to contact us for more information about the scheme.

Executive Order

For general terms and conditions, please see the Executive Order.

Further information

For further information, please see EIFO's brochure on the Ukraine facility in English or Ukrainian.


Kåre Stamer Andreasen, Finance Director / Counsellor at Embassy of Denmark to Ukraine